Cyber Watch: Lessons We Learned in 2019 and How To Take a Preventative Approach in 2020
Listen to our webinar recording as we discuss:
1. High profile breaches of 2019
2. How prevention without detection is the key to a successful cyber strategy
3. AppGuard’s Analyzer Tool in action and how it helps enterprises assess risks in their current cyber stack
The Four Biggest Cybersecurity Risks All Law Firms Face & How To Ensure You Stop The Next Attack
Law firm cyberattacks continue to rise at an unprecedented rate. Cybersecurity experts from leading firms will discuss what they are currently doing and how they are preparing for the future. Learn how to protect your firm against these four leading risks as well as bleeding-edge threats:
1. Phishing/Hacked Emails
2. Ransomware
3. Data Leakage
4. Legal Malpractice Allegations Due to Poor Cybersecurity Practices
– Douglas Brush (VP, Cyber Security Solutions, Special Counsel)
– Avi Gesser (Partner, Debevoise & Plimpton)
– Neal Conlon ( SVP, Business Development, AppGuard )
Cyberwarfare: Escalating Tensions With Iran Pose Grave Cyber Threat to Businesses and Government
In what might be the first strike in cyber attacks against the U.S. in response to the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, earlier this week, hackers claiming to be linked with Iran targeted the website of the U.S. Federal Depository. With escalating tensions between Tehran and the United States, this attack was not a surprise. Business, government, local, and state agencies need to ramp up cybersecurity practices to defend themselves against potential attacks that can cause significant financial and reputational damage. What comes next?
Listen to our podcast to learn about:
1. Latest updates from global experts on counterintelligence
2. Concerns for critical infrastructure and the enterprise
3. Types of attacks to be aware of
4. Best practices to harden your infrastructure
Your Cybersecurity Solutions Continue to Fail: Why We’re Done Talking
Thursday, June 27 2019 | 1 PM – 2 PM EDT
Last month three top US-based antivirus software vendors were breached . Major cybersecurity vendor solutions continue to fail at preventing data breaches for their customers and even themselves. Enterprises are investing millions of dollars in solutions, processes and internal overhead, and they still aren’t protected. This is putting their customers, employees, executives and even board members at risk.
Join us to discuss why a preventative approach is the only solution that works. How AppGuard’s technology achieves this. Legal experts will also discuss what risks enterprises face due to their continued inability to prevent attacks.
We Hacked an ATM and Dispensed All of the Cash
Your ATM’s are vulnerable to breaches and connected to your network. Every organization has critical systems that cannot be patched.
Did you know that in some recent ATM attacks, criminals have stolen between $9 million and $13 million in a few hours?
Join us on Wednesday, April 10, 1 PM – 2 PM ET for a moderated panel discussion with a penetration tester and cybersecurity leaders to discuss:
- How easy it was for the penetration tester to hack ATMs.
- Loopholes in existing cybersecurity systems.
- How companies can enhance security with zero trust framework.
The Real Insider Threat: Protecting the Enterprise from Itself
Both planned and unwitting individuals within an organization are a major threat. Mark Kelton, Chief of Counterintelligence for the CIA during the Edward Snowden affair will discuss the impact and real risk of insider threats. Mark and attorneys Kevin Carroll and Avi Gesser will also discuss the privacy laws and concerns involved with monitoring and securing individuals within those entities.
Why Adapt When You Can Protect – Addressing the Gap in Server Protection
AppGuard CISO Panel: Listen to Bob Bigman, former CISO for the CIA, Fatih Comlekoglu and Neal Conlon of AppGuard discuss the current gap in server protection solutions and how AppGuard Server solves them to provide sever protection and data protection.
The Marriott Breach – What Could & Should Have Been Done
AppGuard CISO Panel: Listen to Anthony Cruz of BNY Mellon, Karen Andersen of Eide Bailly and Neal Conlon of AppGuard discuss the details behind the Marriott Breach and what cybersecurity solutions should have been used to provide data protection.